I am very pleased to inform you about the sale of two paintings in my debut during the auction in the Sopot Auction House. I did not think that they would be emotions of this scale, especially as both of them reached the gross price of PLN 22,140 for “Birds” (120 x 100 cm) and PLN 15,990 for “Chaszczy na pasach” (80 x 100 cm). However, the greatest emotions and satisfaction come from the fact that these works have found new owners, which makes me very happy and I hope that they will constantly provide aesthetic impressions. I would like to add that the next paintings will appear at the next auctions and I will be very pleased if they become close to you and you like them. Below are attached pictures from the auction. https://www.sda.pl/index.php?id=240&lang=pl&typeGlobal=2&setPage=2