It is my great pleasure to invite you to the Sopockiedo Auction House auction, which will take place on June 19, 2021. at. 17:00, where my painting can be auctioned. This work can be seen at the pre-auction exhibition from June 5 to June 19 in Sopot, ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 43. I cordially invite you! 🙂…/zbigniew-oporski-wodospad,33815,pl From myself: this picture is the last one successfully painted with the technique of specific slanting strokes. I have a great fondness for it, because it is a stage of an intense search for the expression of applying paint taken from pencil drawing. I wanted to find a way that would delicately suggest nervousness, or rather emotional agitation of the author, who would paint such a scene on a regular basis or under the influence of intense experiences, e.g. sleep, while taking care of quality and detail. Once, one of the viewers said – which surprised me positively – that he had the impression that it was painted with rain. Only a few pictures were created in this way, and I consider this and one of two small birds over a dark ravine the most successful. It was this search that gave birth to the style of painting in which I suppose I will settle for longer.